Technip FMC Umbilicals Ltd
Commercial // Walker, Newcastle Upon Tyne
IBA were appointed to regenerate a brown field site on a former industrial site in Low Walker to provide a new two-storey commercial Grade A office development for Technip FMC Umbilicals Ltd who supply and manufacture umbilical’s for the energy and offshore oil and gas industries.
The project comprised the demolition of several existing industrial buildings including asbestos strip out and remediation of the site involving re-grading existing ground levels to tie in with existing levels at the North and South of the site.
The building occupies 2,200sq.m of floor space over two floors and comprises a commanding double height structural glazed entrance area leading to open plan office areas, management suites, meeting spaces, a café and welfare facilities.
Externally, the walls are faced in two tone textured modular ceramic granite rainscreen panels, double glazed full height aluminium framed curtain walling and single glazed full height structural glazing with glass fins to the main entrance area.
The roof has a bullnose overhang offering an element of solar shading formed in powder coated aluminium with aluminium rainwater pipes. The roof finish is single ply membrane faced composite cladding.
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